Unlock Your Full Potential with Meta Stories: A Tool to Transform Your Life, Career or Business
The Cybernetic Transposition Technique – What is a Metastory?
What if you were told there was a way to reprogram your mind to achieve the success you’ve always dreamed of—whether in your career, business, finances, or personal life?
If you’ve ever felt stuck, anxious about money, or unsure of your next steps, you’re not alone. Many people who’ve worked in traditional careers for decades are facing these same struggles. But there’s a way to break free.
I want to introduce you to an incredibly powerful tool called a Metastory. This method can help align your mind toward your goals, and it’s been pivotal for me—and many others—in finding clarity and success.
Meta Stories come from the work of Stuart Lichtman – An MIT engineering graduate and AI pioneer, Lichtman created a computer system in the late 1960s – Arintel, to model human decision making behaviour. One of the forerunners to what we see today in Artificial Intelligence.
After further studies in Psychology and Economics (why humans do what they do), Lichtman went on to develop techniques for the average person to easily program their subconscious.
The Cybernetic Transposition Technique was born and at its core is the metastory.
Meta Stories are based on the idea that by creating a story of your ideal future, you can align all parts of your brain—logic, emotions, and intuition—to achieve that vision.
When it comes to making life changes, like radically changing your career or building an online income stream, which may be something you’re considering to escape the grind, this is crucial.
Often, people fail not because they lack the knowledge, but because their mind is pulling them in different directions, making them doubt or procrastinate.
Meta Stories help eliminate this inner conflict. Imagine being 100% committed to your financial freedom and personal fulfillment—without the fear or hesitation that holds so many back.
Realigning Your Brain for Success:
Your brain is made up of different parts that handle different things—logical thinking, emotions, habits, and instincts. Sometimes these parts work together, but often they’re in conflict.
That’s why you may know you want to make a change—in your personal life, in your career or maybe to start a business—but still feel stuck or scared.
We might think that when we think about a desired result, that’s it, the whole of us wants it, but apparently not.
According to Lichtman, the human brain is made up of four major parts, that sometimes all work together but a lot of the time they do not, they pull in different directions. The four parts are:
- The right brain – works well with arrangement patterns, sound and rhythm
- The left brain – fluent with words and logic
- The midbrain – deals in emotions
- The brainstem – physical stimulus and response
Problems with achievement of anything come when all these parts are not working together or even sabotaging each other.
Meta Stories allow you to create a harmonious version of yourself that knows exactly what you want. By rewriting past experiences and removing the negativity, you tell your subconscious what you want for your future, so it can guide you there.
A metastory can be used by anybody at any time to get all these parts of the brain wanting the same thing and working together. It resolves the internal conflicts that most of us find ourselves in from time to time.
The idea of the Cybernetic Transposition Technique is to be able to take any memory of past success in any area and shift it (transpose it) to create success in another area (or in the same area but at a later date).
The basis of this is the metastory. It is taking a past experience that includes positive aspects and maybe some negative aspects and rewriting the experience until it is completely positive and desirable.
This is not reinventing the past but it is remembering and recording the past with modification (removal of negative aspects to create the metastory. A perfect or close to perfect version of events).
Here is an example from Stuart Lichtman himself. What is a metastory?:
It starts with writing down the actual memory:
I’m sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying the cool breeze and warm sun, and looking at the wire transfer report from my bank that shows I have received a $170,000 payment.
I’m reflecting on the fact that I only worked five days to earn that much. But I also had three days of hard travel, during one of which my back started hurting terribly.
The pain got so bad that I was wheeled out of the airplane in a wheelchair and a doctor was waiting for me at my hotel.
He wanted to operate immediately but I refused, so he gave me some morphine to tide me over.
Despite the pain, I was able to perform five days of training with outstanding results. However, it was a triumph of will. I was really in agony. I couldn’t even lie down to sleep. I’m still feeling the pain as I sit here a week later.
Frankly, at the time, I would have traded the money for alleviation of the pain.
The problem with the above is that there are signs of conflict. The languages of the four major parts of the brain are there (emotions, patterns, logic and physical stimulus and response) but there is a lack of harmony between these parts.
In order to tell the subconscious what is desired in the future, there is no need to make up false facts about the past but the undesirable aspects can be left out, leaving a harmonious story that all parts of the brain can support.
Here is Lichtman’s modified example:
I’m sitting at my desk in Santa Barbara, enjoying the cool breeze and warm sun, and looking at the wire transfer report from my bank that shows I have received a $170,000 payment.
I’m reflecting on the fact that I only worked five days to earn that much. But I also had three days of hard travel, during one of which my back started hurting terribly.
The pain got so bad that I was wheeled out of the airplane in a wheelchair and a doctor was waiting for me at my hotel.
He wanted to operate immediately but I refused, so he gave me some morphine to tide me over.
Despite the pain, I was able to perform five days of training with outstanding results. However, it was a triumph of will. I was really in agony. I couldn’t even lie down to sleep. I’m still feeling the pain as I sit here a week later.
Frankly, at the time, I would have traded the money for alleviation of the pain.
Now that I’m at home, I’m really enjoying being with my sons and relaxing some. I’m feeling great and very pleased with my performance.
So the above is a simple modification of a real memory. None of the facts are changed but the undesirable parts are omitted, turning the memory into a metastory that when reviewed, gives the subconscious a useful instruction. This shows it where you want to go.
How Meta Stories Can Help You Break Free:
I know what it’s like to feel unsure about your future, anxious about bills, and stuck in a job that doesn’t fulfill you. I used Meta Stories to realign my thinking, and it was a game-changer.
It gave me the clarity to pursue a new path—in my case, creating an online business using Authority Marketing that now gives me financial security and the freedom to live life on my terms.

If you’re interested and are willing to invest in yourself, you can do the same. By learning how to build automated online income streams, you’ll no longer be trading your time for money.
You can reclaim your time and start building a future where you call the shots.
Imagine waking up every day without the dread of a job that leaves you unfulfilled. Instead, you’re excited to spend time with your family, to work on something that inspires you, and to have the freedom to work from anywhere.
This is what Meta Stories can help you achieve—starting with reprogramming your mind, then applying it to your new digital journey.
Explore the power of Meta Stories and how they can transform your life. There is a much more detailed article on the subject here: The Most Effective Goal Achievement System.
We’ve created a series of free videos that show exactly how to take control of your future and start earning online income by doing what you love to do, via a method called Authority Marketing.
No prior experience is necessary—just the willingness to learn, invest in yourself and apply new skills.
Note though: This is not for the faint-hearted, hard work and the desire to make real change in your life is required. But if you have that, then it will be worth it!
See You on the Other Side! 🙂