Category: Online Opportunities

The 3rd Book That Changed My Thinking

Developing the Leader Within You, by John C. Maxwell: A Life-Changing Guide to Leadership

For those embarking on an online business building journey, you do not necessarily need to be a leader in the traditional sense, but learning about leadership from the best is certainly time well spent.

So the book I am choosing as my number 3 that really changed my thinking and direction in life, is another classic: “Developing the Leader Within You”, by John C. Maxwell.   

The 2nd Book That Changed My Thinking

Unlocking Success with “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill

In my last message, I talked about Robert Kiyosaki’s “Rich Dad Poor Dad” and how this fantastic book has profoundly influenced so many on their road to financial freedom, including myself.

My second book recommendation on this digital marketing and online business journey is the best-selling success book of all time.. 

Napoleon Hill’s classic “Think and Grow Rich”. 

The Book That Changed My Thinking

How “Rich Dad Poor Dad” Changed My Perspective on Life and Business

Today I would like to share.. The book that changed it all for me! 

If I was to choose one book that really changed my thinking and opened my eyes to the fact that I could embark on my own entrepreneurial journey, then this is it!  

This is the personal finance classic, “Rich Dad Poor Dad”, that still ranks as the #1 Personal Finance book of all time.